Product Feature - Cityscapes – Nestled Pines

Product Feature - Cityscapes

Nestled Pines Woodworking Cityscape Ornaments

Welcome to our Product Feature series! Every Monday we feature one-of-a-kind souvenirs from our line-up that we think you'd love to know more about - and this week we're covering our cityscape keepsakes - available as ornaments, keychains, and magnets! These ornaments are also fantastic customization opportunities, with plenty of room for a quote or a specific location name. The sky's the limit with these skyline ornaments!

Nestled Pines Woodworking Cityscape Ornaments

Our cityscape ornaments are fan-favorites! They're also the current favorite of Amie Van Susteren, our laser artist, and owner. She loves to travel and enjoys designing the skylines of cities she's personally visited.

Nestled Pines Woodworking Cityscape Ornaments

Almost all of our designs here at Nestled Pines are available in multiple formats - for example, if you see a cityscape ornament you love, but you think your wholesale location would do better with a magnet, absolutely let us know. Don't see your skyline or city in our City Collection? We want to work with you to make your experience with us as enjoyable as possible! Let's work together on a custom piece for your location. Please contact for one-of-a-kind opportunities.